is an incentive to meet in our AlpinBar and get to know other guests.
Cocktails & Longdrinks
Whether with friends or family ...
... comfortably on our terraces, by the pool, at the bar or in the restaurant: Such a refreshing, ice-cold drink always tastes good on holiday.
Schnapps & brandies
High-proof for the spirits lovers!
A fine selection of schnapps and brandies awaits you. Obstler, Williams pear, elderberry Hämmerle or raspberry Gölles are some of the distillate favorites of our guests!
Gin | Rum | Whiskey | Vodka
not only good for mixing!
These can be used to mix very tasty drinks, but they are also a very special taste experience on their own.
Bitters | Cognac | Liqueurs | Grappa
From Jägermeister to Grappa Berta ... a selection of the best!
Our AlpinBar offers you a wide selection: Ramazzotti, Chabasse Impérial, Southern Comfort, Amareto, Baileys Irish Cream, and much, much more. "Cheers"
High pleasure all inclusive
with the Premium All inclusive board at Alpinresort
Wines by wine lovers for wine lovers
Bottled quality wines - approx. 100 different types from all over the world
Alpine cuisine
Eat healthy through regionality, seasonality and quality
Breakfast at the Alpinresort
The perfect start to the day!
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